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Ophthalmic Instruments

The cross-lapped edge, made of MANI's original hard -fiber stainless steel, produces the ultimate in sharpness.

Product List

Pickup product information: MANI Ophthalmic Knife

More Details
MANI Ophthalmic Sutures

Ideal for micro-suturing on cornea and sclera during eye surgery.

  • Ultimate sharpness realized through the "cross-lapped edge" technique
  • Fine and sharp tip
  • Strong and break-resistant needles made of the unique material "MANI hard -fiber stainless steel".
  • Short & laser-smoothened swage enables minimally invasive wound closure.

Various options are available among our carefully -selected suture thread materials:

  • MANI Sutures Silk[MANI Silk]
  • MANI Sutures Nylon[MANI Nylon]
  • MANI Sutures Polyester[MANI Polyester]
  • MANI Sutures Polypropylene[MANI Polypropylene]
  • MANI Sutures PGA[MANI PGA]

Inquiry Catalogue

MANI Ophthalmic Knife

Ideal for making incisions on cornea and sclera during eye surgery.

  • Ultimate sharpness realized through the "cross-lapped edge" technique
  • Strong and break-resistant blades made of the unique material "MANI hard -fiber stainless steel".

Various options are available with a wide range of sizes and shapes:

  • Straight Knife
  • Crescent Knife
  • Mini-crescent Knife
  • MVR Knife
  • Slit Knife
  • Slit Knife Arched
  • Recovery Port Knife
  • R-Slit Knife
  • Golf/Scleral Knife
  • LRI Knife
  • SAFETY Knife (PDF:270KB)
  • Short Head Knife (PDF:1,180KB)
  • Marking Knife (PDF:1,180KB)

For details, please refer to the catalogue.

Inquiry Catalogue
NEW MANI Trocar Kit

Trocar Instruments for Vitrectomy

Product features:

  • Trocar Blade in the shape of MVR knife provide ultimate sharpness
  • Improved valved cannula for less leakage
  • User friendly handle design

NOTE: MANI Trocar 25 Gauge; MANI Trocar, Infusion Cannula & Kit are in short supply. Please contact us for the up-date situation.

Inquiry Catalogue


MANI, INC. Overseas Sales and Marketing, Surgical Section

TEL +81-28-667-7565
FAX +81-28-667-8305
